How To Order
You can call us directly at 305-563-OPEN (6736) or contact us on our website OpenAirVideo.com and email us your information. Please provide us with following:

Address of the property
Desired time frame
Type of shoot, pictures or video
Have an approval from the property owner and/or authorized real estate agent*
If the property is on zero lot, we will need an approval from the owners of adjacent properties

As soon as we receive your request we will contact you to set an appointment.
All videos or photographs will be electronically delivered free of charge after full payment is made within a reasonable time-frame
All our videos are taken on first come, first served basis.
An exception can be made for an additional Express Processing Fee.

We accept Cash, Personal or Company Checks, Major Credit Cards and Money Orders

*Authorization and Permits for Video and Photography operations:

Proper permission and authorization for taking photographs and video footage of subjects shall be the sole responsibility of the buyer and shall be coordinated with us. If there is an issue that will prevent us from filming once we arrive at the filming site, the time used by Open Air Video will be billable to the client at a fee of $100 per hour.

We reserve the right to cancel an appointment for the following Conditions and/or Safety Issues which may include:

Rain or overcast sky
Windy Condition
Lack of confirmation for safe and clear filming location
Filming location deems to be unsafe to our filming crew or for any other reason at the sole discretion of Open Air Video

© 2015 Open Air Video, openairvideo.com